I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten and her peek at the week series. From Plans to ActionsFirst lets take a peek at what happened last week with my plans. Work Time Activities Can't wait to see them painted. Small Group Activites Now for September 2nd to 5thHere's what we will be working on... All About Me Letter B Name Recognition Color Blue Shape Square One to One Correspondence More Than, Less Than My Plans Tuesday Changing CentersMy learning centers never change, but I do enhance my learning centers based on the theme and goals for the week. I like to plan these additions. Download Plans![]()
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Last year at the end of the school year I introduced my little ones to write the room activities that were done during our work time. I thought that I would only have a few of my little ones opt-in on this activity, but boy was I wrong. They all wanted to give this a try and not once but over and over again. So I wanted to start the school year off with having that activity in place as part of the work time option for an everyday activity. But... There was a problem.I did it last year at the end of the year and my little ones already had the concept of letters, words and writing. Now what was I going to do?Have you ever had one of those shower moments? The ones as you are wash your hair and you lean back to rise your hair and it hits you "That's It." Well any way I had one of those moments for Write the Room but it is not write the room it is... Color the RoomChildren still walk around the room finding picture cards, but instead of writing a word or letter they will be coloring a picture. Color the room worksheet will work on one concept at a time, like one color, one shape or one letter. Here is how I set it up.I placed our color the room activity in a basket, I thought that would be the easiest since I would be using a bunch of clip boards. Inside the basket is a tub of individual sets of crayons. I found bar soap travel boxes at Wal-mart to place a set of 24 crayons in. This way each child could walk around with a clip board and a set of crayons. I use mounting putty to place laminated picture cards around the room. The children walk around the room with their clip board and box of crayons finding pictures cards, matching each picture card to a picture on their worksheet. We have been working on our colors and shapes so we set out one color and one shape at a time. If you are interested in using Color the Room activities in your classroom you can find them in my TpT Store. Color the Room PacketsAugust 25th - 29thWe have been busy working on all of our daily routines and procedures to make sure that we have a smooth running classroom. Now that all of my little ones have an understanding of how our classroom works it is time to dig deep into our curriculum. So this week I am linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for a peek at the week. Here's what we are working onAll About Me Name Recognition Letter Mm Colors Feelings My PlansMonday Changing Centers My learning centers never change, but I do enhance my learning centers based on the theme and goals for the week. I like to plan these additions. Down Load PlansClick here to download the lesson plans complete with resource hyperlinks. ![]()
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Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024