A successful school year starts out with a pacing calendar or map. A pacing calendar will help you prepare for the year ahead, it will provide you with a road map for your instruction. Why do I need a pacing calendar?The purpose of a pacing calendar is to map out the key concepts that need to be taught and the amount of time that you need to devoted to each area. It will help you to more effectively plan the curriculum that you will be using to teach the skills needed to meet state standards or common core standards. Do you want to create your own pacing calendar?Click here and you will be on your way to creating the perfect pacing calendar that meets all of the needs in your classroom. Everything you will need is there all you will need to do is print out all the free templates and start creating. What are you waiting for it's FREE!
I know that it is summer and time to put your feet up and rest, but at the same time if we do a little here and there during the summer it will pay off big when school begins again. How are we going to do this?Plan little piece of time throughout the summer so that back to school is not so overwhelming. Get started todayYou can start your planning today for the new school year by using free lesson plan templates and calendars. As a bonus you will also get a post it note to do list template. All you will have to do is print stick and your on your way to a stress free school year. What are you waiting for?Click here to get started.
Have you ever purchased a lesson plan book and started to use it just to find out that it does not work for you? What is the answer?The answer is to create a plan book that works for you and only you. Watch the video below to see how you could create a plan book that is right for you. |
Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024