A teacher’s job is never done, not even in the summer. You want to put your feet up, but you know if you do back to school will be a tornado of stress. So… Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and have a brain purge while everything is still fresh in your mind. The first thing that I like to purge from my mind is what the children were interested in over the last year. Why? When I take the time to purge out all the children interest from the previous year it makes planning the new year that much simpler. Once everything is purged out onto a worksheet, think, think about how much time would be needed for exploring this interest with children. Start purging now with this free downloadable brain purge worksheet. ![]()
Stay tuned, tomorrow I will be talking about how to use your brain purge worksheet to make your road map for success for the new school year.
Tomorrow Teacher Tip #2 Making a Road Map for Success.
Getting fit can be tough. With all of the outside noise, you need to eat right, make sure you’re exercising, don’t forget to cross training and so on… It can be quite challenging especially on a busy teachers schedule. Ya, I chase after a herd of cats all day long but that does not mean that I'm in shape, and the older I get the herding is gets a little bit tougher. So since I’m not getting any younger, getting healthier is definitely on my summer to-do list. It is easy to say that you’ll exercise every day, but you’ll need a plan. Planning is key for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sticking to a fitness and nutrition plan. Plan for future fitness goals. I’m not much into assigning myself a weight loss goal because I will just get discouraged, but I am into setting some personal fitness goals. Like… I would like to run in a 5K 4 to 5 times a year. I would like to take some day hikes in the high sierras this summer. I would like to go on a weeklong backpacking trip. Now these are goals that will keep me motivated. But I’m also someone that needs to see things on paper to track my progress and set my weekly goals. I guess it’s the teacher in me, I always need a plan. No more fast foods for me! Now that I have a little bit more time on my hands I will be doing a weekly meal plan as well to help me with eating heathier. Did I say I was getting older… high cholesterol hence the no fast food. So since I need to get myself back on track and I would love for others to join me I’m offering you a free set of printable to help you fit in fitness. Grab your FREEBIES
Get the whole Get Fit Planner Here.
Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024