5 Father's Day Ideas that the dads are sure to love. Father’s Day is going to here before we know it so I made a list of ideas to help you with coming up with something for all those special dads. Top on my list is Donuts for Dads, why you ask? My answer - I love, to find any and every way that I can to bring parents into my classroom to provide them time to spend with their children. To help them when their children are young to appreciate and love their child’s school community. With donuts for dads it gives the dads a special time that they can spend with their child one on one and with their child’s friends they hear about at the dinner table. It is a simple set up that the children can help with. They can make a special invitation for their dad. Inside they can include a picture of them together, with what they love about their dad. Children can use their own art skills by designing ties that go on each of the donut bags. Clay is always at the top of my list for process art projects. So, this fingerprint dish for dads change is the perfect project for children to make. You can get the whole tutorial on how to make this special dish on What Katy Said. Every house needs coasters, so why not have your children make that special dad a coaster just for them. You can take pictures of each child and print them out on the copy machine in black and white. (Cost saving tip) See how they created the beautiful color accents on the card store blog. What child is not mesmerized by things that can shrink? Bring science and Father’s Day together with these cute hand drawn shrinky dink key ring. Bring in a toaster oven so that your children can have a front seat viewing of the shrinking process. You can find the whole details on how to make these adorable key rings on Messy Little Monsters. When you give a dad a potholder they will want to go to the store. When he gets to the story he will want some hot dogs. When he gets the hot dogs, he will want to BBQ. When he BBQ he will want his very own potholder to use. See how Ally made these handprint potholders on Ally’s Helpful Hints for Mommies.
Today I want to share with you one of those major aha moments. This is that moment in my teaching that changed everything.. When I started to apply this philosophy to my teaching it was like a little Fairy Godmother had come into my classroom one night and sprinkled her fairy dust all around., it was magical Here is what I did. The only perception that we have control over is our own. Have you ever finished a sentence like this before? •It’s the parents fault because…. •They didn’t teach them how to… •The parents don’t care what… Or have you ever gone to a co-worker and asked for advice only to get… •Oh boy, I had that child last year, there is nothing you can do to fix…. •______ just doesn’t want to try, there is nothing you can do about that. As long as you continue to blame others around you for bad classroom management and children’s bad behaviors that are outside of the classroom, you will be frustrated, angry and you will get a bad case of the burnouts. So instead change your perception about what is happening with your classroom and the children in it. That how you perceive the children will influence your attitude, and can effect those around you. As you encounter various circumstances, do you perceive solutions and success or do you envision problems and failure? The way in which you perceive your world also impacts your general emotional state. Teachers who perceive success for their students are likely to be fulfilled with their work and the accomplishments of their students. Teachers who perceive their students as lacking tend to be frustrated and unsure of their students skills. A teacher with a positive perception has a tendency to thrive and in turn so do their students. A teacher with a negative perception tends to struggle and in turn, their students struggle with them. The bottom line is that you can control your perception. If a child doesn’t know how to peddle a bike we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to catch a ball we teach. If a child doesn’t know haw to read we teach. If a child doesn’t how to swim we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we….teach? We…blame or we teach? If you’re not happy with your classroom management or the direction of your teaching or the circumstances in your classroom, the first place to look is your perception. •Children want to learn
•We can all learn something new •You can make a difference in the four walls of your classroom •You will feel in control of your own classroom •Your students will be respectful, responsible and happy members of your classroom community
It is that time of the year again, where we wrap up one school year and start looking towards planning the next school year.
With the Teachers Dream Planner comes everything a teacher could need to get organized and ready for another school year. Start by picking a cover - there are 14 different styles to choose from! Customize your planning experience with over 28 printable page templates. Don't want to forget a holiday or special event this year? We have them all mapped out for you on the Holiday and Dates to Remember page. Map out the school year with Plan at a Glance. This section will be your go-to page each week as you write out your weekly lesson plans. There is NO wasted space this year, each month has a note sections for the to-do lists that we all have. This years calendars are available in two styles, both options start June 2016 and end December 2017. If you enjoy the convenience of planning ahead during the summer, then we have a 19 month calendar option that is ideal for you. Does your schedule require coordinating with others, you can map out everyone's ideas and tie them into your weekly lesson plans with the plan idea page.
Do you like to add more details to your plans? Then the daily planner is perfect for you.
Here are even more printable that are included.
Teachers Dream Planner
Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024