The chill is in the air, winter is on its way. You could enjoy a cup of hot coco with your feet up.Have everything planned for you. All you will need to do is enjoy the good times with family and friends. This CD will provide you with everything that you will need for months of learning fun for your little ones. Here are some things that you will find on the CDGingerbread Pals Lesson PlanThis 118 page lesson is packed full of ideas that will turn your classroom into a gingerbread bakery. This lesson is full of hands on approach at learning through play that are sure to spark the interest of all children in your classroom and give them the joy of life long learning. This lesson will cover large group activities, small group activities, science and math activities, language and literacy activities along with creative art ideas.
Our annual family fall festival went off with out a hitch! Every year we have our family event to bring our school community together and give our families the opportunity to get to know one another. After all the children go home and share all the daily events so why not let our family see it all first hand.
Making capes out of white tee shirts. Children worked together to make Super Friend capes that they could take turns using. What a fun and creative way to teach children about sharing and taking turns.
Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024