New learning experience: from digital to tangible!Are you one of those teachers that wishes their students would spend less time on their digital devices and more time playing with actual physical toys? Or maybe you are a parent that is battling the gadget-addiction with your child? ABC Talk with Me! is the best of both worlds, children get to use actual physical ABC building blocks and their tablet or phone to play. Nowadays, 80% of children are perfectly familiar with digital technologies that improve their successful development. With the development of new technologies, many important activities became reduced to smartphone or tablet icons, including kid’s toys and games. But would you pretend that your childhood was too boring or dull with all those heaps of color Legos and wooden blocks. A child's development is impossible without physical interaction with objects. Therefore, it was the creators idea of giving a happy childhood back to children and reducing gadgets to the minor role of just an addition to the main types of cognitive and learning activities. They proposed an original way to promote reading and spelling skills for children by using a combination of physical toys and new technologies. Learning letters will be an entertaining and cool game. You just aim your tablet or phone camera at any letter of the ABC cube, and a new program converts this letter to a picture. The next level concerns words. When you construct a word from ABC blocks, once again you aim the camera at the result, and it quickly converts, e.g., the word «dog» into a cute puppy on the screen. Moreover, a kid can practice his/her pronunciation, by repeating a word or letter after the speaker. Learn more about ABC Talk with Me Here.
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Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024