Children have been working on their visual discrimination skills with this fun pumpkin poem and match game. Watercolor Drip PumpkinsBuilding fine motor skills as children worked together to create very large drip pumpkins for our Family Fall Festival.
Recap of our Super Friend Week 2We finished our Super Friend Unit off with a Super Friend parade. The children made paper bag capes complete with their first initial, masks and power bracelets. Super Friend CraftThe children worked hard to cut, glue, and draw their very own Super Friend. Peek at My Week Pumpkin Patch and Monster MashWe are taking a breaking from from our regular curriculum to take the time to review some of the import skills that we have been learning over the last several weeks. So... It is going to be a pumpkin patch and monster mash of a week Reviewing Letters A, F, M, S, and W Learn about our Monster Emotions Reviewing Number 1-4 Reviewing 2 and 3- D shapes All about Pumpkins Field Trip to a Pumpkin Field My Plans Monday Changing CentersDownload Plans
Main ResourcesThis week has been packed full of adventures with our Super Friends. Super S CraftOur super S's are turning out Super Cute! The children have been working on their cutting skills as they create their Super S's. Stamping Letters M and SWe introduced the letters M for mask and S for super this week. I Can Fly!We measuring and recording how far we fly. We learned about positive and negative sides of the magnets. We were able to make our super friends fly. We sorted beginning sounds F and S for ( Super and Friend). We are beginning to recognize our letter in random order with this fun super stamping activity. Stay tuned for anther week of Super Friend FunNow lets take a peek at what we will be up to next week October 13th to October 17th The children will be work on another week of Super Friends. Here's what we will be working on... How to be a Super Friend Letter F, S and M Learn to ask for what we need Number 4 Reviewing 2 and 3- D shapes Story Telling Cinderella Super Friend Parade My Plans Monday Changing CentersDownload Plans
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Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024