I am in need of a ABC Letter Line in my group meeting area. But... There are no walls to place it on. I have tried putting one up on the back side of the shelves, but it never lasted long and was a huge pain in the @%&*. So I gave up. Until I had a teacher dream. I know I'm not the only one who has those dreams admit it, it's ok to have teacher dreams it means that we are passionate about our jobs. SuppliesChildren used the liquid water colors to paint the canvases. Children glued on collage material to form the letters with. We used
The finished product BEAUTIFUL!
Peer into my WeekWe had a successful first 3 days of school. We started our first three days off with PROCEDURES, PROCEDURES. I truly believe to have a successful school year you need to teach the children all of the procedures that you feel your students need to know to have a happy, health preschool experience. We learned how we could Follow the Rules with Heidi Songs Introduced Learning Centers
Outdoor Learning CentersFirst Week of SchoolLearning to follow classroom routines and rules Read: Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes Sing: ABC Song Recognizing Our Names Macarena Math (counting to 1 to 12) My Plans Wednesday Download Plans![]()
Main Resources
For a smooth running classroom we need to begin the school year with some key ingredients to bake up that positive classroom mojo. The first and most important ingredient is to teach children procedures so that the cake does not flop. No one enjoys a flopped cake... RIGHT. so let's begin by closing our eyes and visualizing what we want the children to do from the moment they walk through the doors. Do you have that picture in your mind? Make a list of all the procedures that you visualized so that you don't forget.
For the children that need extra support try using mini book that show the procedure step by step with visual aide. Send the books home so that you can get the support of the families.
Welcome!I'm Tami Sanders creator of Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers, a blog to help teachers create magical moments for the young. Follow MeArchives
May 2024