Here is a list of 10 activities that will keep your bug loving preschools involved in the learning process. Swatter PaintingString a sheet of butcher paper with drawn on flies to the fence. Set out shallow trays of paint and plastic fly swatters. Have the children swat all the flies. Bug or Not?Children are natural sorters, so they will love to sort animals from bugs. Bug BinSensory bens are a must have in my classroom and this one is the perfect one to help little learners discover the world of bugs. Play Dough BugsYour little learners won’t want to stop creating their own bugs when you add loose parts to the play dough center. Loose Part BugsChildren will be able to use their observation skills when trying to recreate bugs with natural objects. Pattern Block BugsChildren will be able to use their shape and pattern knowledge when creating bugs using these pattern block mats. Flipping for BugsHow far can your bug fly? Children will be able to predict and measure whose bug went the furthest. Catching FirefliesChildren will have fun searching for different color fire flies to fill up their bug catching jar. Invitation to Create A BugFree art always captures the attention of little learners and this bug making invitation to create is going to do just that. Bottle Cap BugsHave you been collecting bottle caps and don’t know what to do with them now? Here is a process art project that your little learns will love to make.
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May 2024